Intellectual Property

Our dedicated team of IP professionals immerse themselves in our clients’ technologies and industries, and clients benefit from our interdisciplinary and commercially-focused approach to matters.

We help our clients  meet all of their trademark, patent, industrial design and copyright requirements. From the legal clearance of trademarks of all types, patentability and validity searches and patent drafting, through the registration process, through the enforcement of trademark, patent, industrial design and copyright rights in trademark opposition proceedings and litigation, our expertise provides our clients with the ability to react quickly and the know-how to secure the necessary protection effectively and efficiently.

We offer creative solutions to clients whether they require the management of a sizeable portfolio of IP assets, whether they are embarking on an acquisition or licensing program, or whether they own a small number of trademarks, logos, slogans, patents or designs which are central to their success in the marketplace. Our approach focuses on the needs of our clients, and provides flexibility to meet the brand-centred demands of the marketplace and the need to protect innovative technology.

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Intellectual Property Litigation and Dispute Resolution


Intellectual Property Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Once our clients have acquired or developed intellectual property rights, it is essential to enforce such rights in order to maintain them. We assist our clients with every type of intellectual property litigation, including patent, copyright, trademark, and industrial design infringement actions, confidential information actions, cancellation proceedings, post-grant proceedings, passing off actions, domain name actions and complaint proceedings, and any other proceedings necessary to protect and enforce intellectual property rights, or to defend such proceedings which may be commenced against our clients. We also act in judicial review proceedings taken from decisions of the Registrar of Trade-marks or the Commissioner of Patents. Finally, we protect our clients’ rights in administrative proceedings decided by the Trade-marks Office and the Patent Office.

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Patents and Industrial Designs


Patents and Industrial Designs

Patents and Industrial Designs are valuable assets of a business. You need to ensure that your Patents and Industrial Designs are available, protected, properly used, maintained and enforced, both in Canada and around the world, so that you are taking advantage of the most up to date protection, and so that your ability to compete is not threatened. We advise businesses on:

  • Patentability opinions for new inventions, freedom to operate opinions, and Patent and Industrial Design Registration validity opinions
  • Preparation and prosecution of Patent and Industrial Design applications in Canada and globally
  • Patent and industrial design infringement lawsuits
  • Licensing of Patents and Industrial Designs
  • Due Diligence on Patents and Industrial Designs involved in business transactions
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Trademarks are often among the most valuable assets of a business. You need to ensure that your trademarks are available, protected, properly used, maintained and enforced, both in Canada and around the world, so that you are taking advantage of the most up to date protection, and so that your ability to compete is not threatened. We advise businesses on:

  • clearance of new trademarks, brands, slogans, tag lines, logos, sound marks, colour marks, product configurations, distinguishing guises, official marks, university marks, and certification marks
  • preparation and prosecution of trademark applications in Canada and globally
  • trademark infringement and passing off lawsuits, including the prevention of counterfeits
  • licensing of trademarks
  • due diligence on trademarks involved in business transactions
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