Diversity & Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

November 16, 2021
Diverse Women Applauding


Fogler Rubinoff (FR) supports the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) which require fairness and respect to all individuals. 

We strive to ensure that each and every person in our workplace and professional environment is valued regardless of their race, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age or any other protected ground under the Human Rights Code.  We recognize that all forms of discrimination, including discrimination against women, racialized persons, Indigenous persons, LGBTQ2+[1] persons, persons with disabilities, and religious groups, must be eliminated. EDI is intrinsic to the character and reputation of our firm, of who we are, and who we strive to be.

To achieve these important goals we are committed to adopting EDI in all aspects of our firm culture. We strive to achieve  EDI in hiring our staff and lawyers, in our relationships and daily interactions with the lawyers, staff, administration and clients of our firm, and in our dealings with other members of the legal profession.  

We are also committed to eliminating systemic discrimination,  promoting equality, and preventing harassment in all aspects of our firm culture and in our relationships with our staff, lawyers, clients, other members of the profession and the public at large.    We understand that ending systemic discrimination and promoting equality is important to the health, safety and job satisfaction of everyone at our firm and to our success as a business and professional organization. We understand that this is not just a professional and legal obligation but also the right thing to do.

We are proud to publicly state the firm’s commitment to achieve measurable progress in EDI.  To this end, we have created an EDI Committee to work on key areas that require attention and to review EDI action at our firm and create programs which teach and advance EDI principles for the entire firm. 

EDI requires ongoing effort.  The following is a summary of the principles we are committed to advancing and the initiatives we are working on to achieve them:


Fogler Rubinoff is committed to ensuring that our offices are accessible to our staff and the public both physically and emotionally. To ensure accountability respecting our commitment to EDI we:

  • have in place procedures to respond to discriminatory behaviour toward our clients, lawyers or employees in professional or community settings and to hold members of our firm accountable for discriminatory behaviour; and
  • conduct internal diversity surveys on an ongoing basis which are  reviewed by the EDI  Committee and acted upon as appropriate.

Respect and Understanding

FR understands that respect and understanding are crucial to our EDI initiatives.  We are willing to learn and expand our knowledge and core beliefs regarding race, racism and all forms of discrimination. In order to foster respect and understanding we acknowledge that:

  • anti-black racism and discrimination against women, racialized persons, Indigenous persons, religious groups, LGBTQ2+ persons and persons with disabilities exists and must be eliminated;
  • women, racialized persons, Indigenous persons, LGBTQ2+ persons, persons of various religious backgrounds, and persons with disabilities encounter barriers in their careers.


Education is fundamental to our EDI policy.  We acknowledge that EDI education is essential to serving our clients and to fostering an open and inclusive firm environment. FR is committed to educating members of the firm on concepts such as anti-racism, anti-oppression, and unconscious bias, in order to better work with and serve all members of our community. Our educational initiatives include:

  • ongoing EDI training for all firm members focusing on anti-racism, discrimination, anti-oppression, and unconscious bias; 
  • offering and maintaining firm resources on anti-racism, equity, intersectionality, privilege, equality, inclusion, diversity, anti-oppression, unconscious bias, and anti-discrimination;  
  • maintaining an EDI page on our website;
  • publishing a quarterly EDI newsletter to all firm members encouraging participation and learning about EDI issues;and
  • reviewing this EDI policy annually and updating it as required.

Inclusive Workplace

FR is committed to creating an inclusive workplace which includes:

  • supporting outreach programs and public associations which promote equality and inclusion;
  • establishing safe avenues within FR to report and address non-inclusive behaviour and gaps in inclusion;
  • encouraging positive recognition of diversity and differences to ensure all members of the firm feel safe, valued and welcomed; and
  • facilitating access to learning and development opportunities with regard to inclusivity.


FR believes that valuing and enhancing diversity and inclusion will help us attract and retain the best talent and better serve our clients.  We are committed to creating a diverse workplace that reflects the community in which we live.  Our goal is to attract, develop, and advance people of all backgrounds and genders.  For this purpose FR has engaged in initiatives to:

  • ensure that everyone involved in firm interviewing and recruitment processes is well versed on our diversity and inclusion policy;
  • provide ongoing education and training to identify and address unconscious biases that may impact our hiring process; and
  • attract and recruit a diverse group of candidates.

Advancement/Equality of Opportunity/Retention

FR recognizes that women, racialized persons, Indigenous persons, LGBTQ2+ persons, persons of various religious backgrounds, and persons with disabilities often face barriers and challenges that impact their ability to reach their potential. ​FR is committed to ensuring all members of the firm have equal opportunities to participate, gain experience, and excel. We recognize that this is for the betterment of our firm and society in general. FR is committed to ensuring that:

  • all members of the firm have an equal opportunity to work, succeed, advance, and excel as professionals;
  • our staff and lawyers are mentored by individuals who can assist them in their professional and personal development and growth; and
  • all firm members are given clear expectations as to performance, accommodations, promotions, and advancement, through an effective performance review process which takes EDI principles into consideration.

[1] By using LGBTQ2+ we intend to include all groups which identify with this acronym.  We are committed to being as inclusive as possible.