On the podcast Law Firm ILN-telligence, host Lindsay Griffiths interviews Michael Slan to discuss discuss the importance of  communication in this time of pandemic, why deep cuts may not be the best cuts, and what leadership looks like in the face of market downturns and global lockdowns.

Tune into the ILN-telligence podcast episode here:

Recreational cannabis has been legal in Canada for over a year. So, where do we stand now that the smoke has cleared? Rick Moscone sits downs with Libby Znaimer on The Zoomer to discuss the landscape of the legal marijuana industry.

Albert Engel shares his perspective with the Hamilton Spectator about the Chedoke Creek sewage spill in the article Sewage Disclosure Motion Hits Snag

Bill Hearn quoted in The Globe and Mail about multi-pronged legal campaign for Jim Balsillie and the Center for Digital Rights aimed at holding Canada’s federal political parties accountable for breaking their data protection promises to Canadians and for violating Canadian laws on privacy, competition, elections, and anti-malware.

IP Lawyer, Colleen Spring Zimmerman speaks with Cottage Life Magazine over a trademark battle between beer companies.

To read about Colleen’s perspective, read the article here: https://cottagelife.com/general/battle-brewing-between-beer-companies-over-muskoka-chair-logo/

In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Rick Moscone shares his perspective – “there are certain players who have taken a bit of an aggressive approach, waiting for regulators to come say something. It creates a non-level playing field when some are willing to take that approach and others aren’t.” 

What to expect when the new trademark laws come into force in June 2019.

IP and Trademark lawyer Colleen Spring Zimmerman, shares with the CMA what to expect when the new trademark laws come into force: Scents, holograms, 3D objects and even texture can now be registered as part of your brand. Read about it in the Canadian Lawyer article: Canada’s impending trademark law changes to affect how IP lawyers protect fate of clients’ brands

IP and Trademark lawyer Colleen Spring Zimmerman, shares with the CMA what to expect when the new trademark laws come into force this June. Scents, holograms, 3D objects and even texture can now be registered as part of your brand. Read about it in the Canadian Lawyer article: Canada’s impending trademark law changes to affect how IP lawyers protect fate of clients’ brands

Bill Hearn is quoted in the Canadian Lawyer article “OPC understaffed as mandatory data breach reporting comes into effect“.

Bill shares his perspective on the new federal privacy law mandatory breach notification rules which come into effect November 1, 2018.

The Canadian Marketing Association has released a Guide on Permitted Cannabis Marketing Activities.

The CMA Guide, which is designed to help marketers comply with the legislation, was featured in the Globe & Mail article: Marketing group releases guide as cannabis sector wrestles with new advertising rules.

“It is important for marketers within cannabis companies and their suppliers and partners to understand their obligations. Companies that adhere to regulations and best practices avoid the risk of penalties and other legal sanctions and strengthen their brand reputation.”

Rick Moscone, Co-Chair – CMA’s Working Group on Cannabis