Michael Coleman speaks with Queens’ Law about the formation of the Queen’s Chapter of the Black Law Students’ Association
In the article A Grand Idea Whose Time Had Come, Michael Coleman, speaks with Queen’s Law about the establishment of the Queen’s Law Chapter of the Black Law Students’ Association and the role the Association has played in empowering a new community of legal professionals.
June is National Indigenous History Month, and 21 June National Indigenous People’s Day.
There is no more fitting time to honour the history, heritage and diversity of Indigenous peoples in Canada. We encourage all Canadians to join us in learning more about the Indigenous history in the communities where we live and work, acknowledging the systemic racism and discrimination that exists in our institutions in Canada and elsewhere, and supporting and effecting the changes which are needed to combat that injustice.
Rick Moscone, co-chair of the cannabis marketing group with the Canadian Marketing Association shares his perspective with The GrowthOp.
Rick discusses the challenges cannabis companies face as they grapple with the regulations and try to figure out how to develop a brand within the government’s restricted framework.
In response to the public outcry against the killing of George Floyd and other acts of police violence against BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Peoples of Colour) in the US and Canada, and in support of the movement against anti-Black racism and systemic racism in Canada, we think it is important to acknowledge that Canada is a very multi-cultured society in which systemic racism exists.
We must acknowledge the ingrained biases and lack of understanding that apply to our friends, colleagues and citizens who are members of the Black and Indigenous communities and many others.
As Justice Doherty of the Ontario Court of Appeal wrote in his decision in R v Parks (1993 CanLII 3383 (ON CA):
“Racism, and in particular anti-black racism, is a part of our community’s psyche. A significant segment of our community holds overtly racist views. A much larger segment subconsciously operates on the basis of negative racial stereotypes. Furthermore, our institutions, including the criminal justice system, reflect and perpetuate those negative stereotypes. These elements combine to infect our society as a whole with the evil of racism. Blacks are among the primary victims of that evil.”
Fogler, Rubinoff condemns the anti-Black violence and racism that has taken place in cities across North America, including in our own, in recent years. We acknowledge that this is not merely a recent phenomenon and that there has been racism against BIPOC communities since the founding of our country. Through conversations with peers and the extraordinary ongoing media coverage, we know that the Black community across North America is going through an intensely difficult time. We want to acknowledge the terrible pain and trauma that many of those around us are experiencing now, and have been for many years.
Our Firm’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee was formed to make strides towards a more inclusive and respectful workplace for everyone at Fogler, Rubinoff. We send this message of support because Foglers and the D&I Committee want to commit to doing the hard work that is necessary to face these challenges and help to better understand the racial injustices that are prevalent in our society. We will continue to strive to seek out, listen, learn, and integrate the perspectives of the people who are underrepresented, and most vulnerable. We will push ourselves to do it better, through ongoing learning, continued dialogue within our team and community, improved training, and by building partnerships with organizations making important contributions to these issues.
As part of these efforts, we would like to share the following resources:
If You Wish to Learn:
We found the following articles helpful as resources to gain understanding and awareness about BIPOC issues in Canada:
In this article, writer Shanequa Golding provides an opinion piece on her experience coping with work in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and others.
If You Wish to Donate:
The following organizations support BIPOC communities by fighting against systemic racism, supporting Black Owned Businesses, supporting health and mental health of BIPOC communities and providing safe spaces for Black and racialized members of the LGBTQ2S community in Canada:
Kevin Shipleyhas been recognized in the 2020 edition of IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Professionals.
IAM Patent identifies the top patent professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe. According to IAM Patent, Kevin “takes a pragmatic approach to his work. Bright and pragmatic, he is great at thinking about clients’ business needs and offering them easily applicable solutions.”
We’re betting you’re going to love it.
Don Bourgeois talks about gambling law, the legality of sports betting and addressing money laundering in the gaming sector.
Published by Thomson Reuters,The Law of Acute Care Medicine addresses the complexities that arise when medicine, law, and ethics intersect in the treatment and caring for acutely ill patients.
Written by Laura Hawryluck a critical care physician and Michael Fraleigh a health law lawyer, The Law of Acute Care Medicine is the first Canadian resource to focus exclusively on the needs of acute care professionals and those providing them with legal advice.
The treatment of acutely deteriorating patients is among the greatest medical, legal, and ethical challenges of modern medicine. Decisions that need to be made can be some of the most difficult ones for the front-line clinicians and many of these decisions, once made, cannot be reversed. The legal issues that arise have broad implications for societys access to and use of healthcare services.
The Law of Acute Care Medicine focuses on the needs of the acute care professional and those providing legal advice to them. Using a practical approach, this book addresses the complex topics that all healthcare and legal professionals working in acute care settings need to understand. It includes answers to frequently asked questions and provides clinical tools to improve practice. Case-based discussions clarify how the law is applied in medical practice and can be used as teaching tools for both healthcare and legal professionals, whether as independent learners or in classroom settings.
The medico-legal topics examined in this publication include
Application of standard of care
Consent and capacity
Confidentiality and privacy
End of life, withdrawal of life support, CPR
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)
We are pleased to announce that seven of our Partners have been named as leaders in their field in the 2020 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory.
The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory is an annual ranking of Canadian lawyers in over 40 practice areas, based on peer review surveys plus personal interviews with senior members of the profession. Fogler Rubinoff lawyers profiled in this year’s edition include:
Steven A. Cygelfarb – Property Leasing;
Albert Engel – Environmental Law
Bill Hearn – Advertising & Marketing Law;
Eric Hoffstein – Estate & Personal Tax Planning, Estate Litigation and Charities/Not-for-Profit Law;
Gary Kissack – Aboriginal Law;
Kenneth W. Movat – Construction Law; and
Kevin Shipley– Intellectual Property Law
On the podcast Law Firm ILN-telligence, host Lindsay Griffiths interviews Michael Slan to discuss discuss the importance of communication in this time of pandemic, why deep cuts may not be the best cuts, and what leadership looks like in the face of market downturns and global lockdowns.
Tune into the ILN-telligence podcast episode here:
Acritas Stars are lawyers who are identified as standouts for their quality of work, business and commercial savvy and their ability to turn legal advice into practical solutions.
According to Acrtias’ client interviews, Michael was recognized for his level of service, attention to detail, quality of work and timeliness of response.
Acritas is a leading source of client and market research for law firms around the world. The Star lawyers included in their annual rankings are identified by senior in-house counsel in large organizations, whom Acritas interviews for its global Sharplegal study.
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