
Paniz Rahdari

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Paniz is developing a broad commercial real estate practice, including providing advice on the purchase, sale and financing of mixed-use, commercial, condominium and industrial properties.

Paniz graduated magna cum laude from the Dual J.D. program at the University of Windsor and the University of Detroit Mercy. During law school, Paniz received several academic awards including the Canadian & U.S. Dual J.D. Award and was the recipient of the 2021 Iranian Canadian Legal Professionals Scholarship. Paniz also worked as a Constitutional Law teaching assistant and worked at the Career Services Office.

In her spare time, Paniz enjoys exploring new coffee shops, gourmet cooking and spending time with her family.

Education & Memberships


Called to the Ontario Bar, 2022
University of Windsor / University of Detroit Mercy, J.D., 2021
McMaster University B.A,, 2016

Political Science, Minor in Sociology